Weight Loss 101

best weight loss retreat

Tired of sifting through endless weight loss advice, only to feel more confused and frustrated? You’re not alone. With so much conflicting information out there, it’s easy to lose sight of what really works.  At Skyterra we value the importance of research-based weight loss practices. Below are three scientifically backed strategies that are essential for […]

How to Navigate Holiday Eating Without Turning into Scrooge

‘Tis the season for food, family, friends and celebrations. It’s also the season for holiday cheer, extravagant parties, endless snacks, cocktails galore and gift tins full of treats. Many of us feel stressed at this time of year, finding it difficult to navigate copious amounts of food while trying to improve our health. Additionally, some […]

Relieve Stress, Increase Relaxation: The Sleep Nidra

sleep nidra

“Most people sleep without resolving their tensions. This is termed nidra. Nidra means sleep, no matter what or why, but yoga nidra means sleep after throwing off the burdens. It is of a blissful, higher quality all together.” – Swami Satyananda. The modern world is filled with stressors. Day in and day out each of […]