Beth is a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach and International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach with years of experience helping people implement changes they’ve struggled to sustain. The advanced coach training she completed through Wellcoaches School of Coaching enables her to provide life coaching based on a foundation of wellness. Beth discovers each client’s unique strengths and helps them use these to strategize solutions to proactively counter obstacles and turn intentions into realistic, easy-to-incorporate routines. As a past Skyterra guest, Beth successfully works to manage challenges to her own wellness—living with fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain episodes, and setbacks after surgeries. Beth has worked as an Oncology Nurse, spent 15 years in the demanding world of medical advertising, and worked as the RN/Health Educator/Health Coach in the Employee Health Center at Times Square Headquarters of Morgan Stanley. Beth says: “I am passionate about coaching as a way to make life goals come to life, in ways that feel good, while honoring each client’s ability to create their own path.”