LoseSmart: Benchmarking Reveals Exciting Improvements

In Skyterra’s highly effective LoseSmart program, ‘we meet you where you are’ is more than a simple phrase; it’s a promise.

LoseSmart guests arrive at Skyterra with varying abilities, and through modified exercises and specialized equipment, Skyterra’s experienced fitness instructors meet guests where they are. 

In order to understand guests’ starting points and goals for the program, every guest completes a benchmark workout to determine a fitness baseline. Along with screening tools, these benchmark workouts help instructors establish programming for each guest. Benchmarking also allows for comparisons throughout the four-week program, so LoseSmart guests are ensured improvements.

A recent LoseSmart guest shared that he has “very much surprised himself” with what he’s been capable of doing. He also shared that his “range of motion is night and day.”

Progress Measured in Private Group Fitness Classes

Every week, experienced fitness instructors lead LoseSmart guests in four fitness classes just for guests in the program. Instructors act as both guides and motivators. They begin each fitness class with an explanation of the workout and make sure guests have fun and are moving safely. The two cardio and two strength classes often take place in an outdoor area, where guests enjoy the fresh mountain air.

Each fitness class starts with a benchmark workout. Individual progress is tracked by the fitness instructor, who shares the most recent benchmark information at the beginning of every class. This provides guests with an individualized goal for each workout.

Each week, LoseSmart guests recognize the benchmark improvements made by graduating participants. 

Weekly Private Coaching Sessions Tackle Individual Aspirations

LoseSmart guests meet individually with Skyterra’s Fitness Director each week for a coaching session. The meetings are personalized based on each guest’s needs. Many guests enjoy reviewing their benchmark information during the coaching session.

When guests want to improve upon specific benchmarks, Skyterra’s Fitness Director provides guidance for improvement, teaches guests how to better complete movements, and can create a personalized mobility routine to boost progress. Mobility routines and strength routines are common additions that guests complete to improve benchmark workouts.

Improvement Boosts Motivation and Cultivates Perseverance

Excitement is contagious in the LoseSmart program. Guests have the opportunity to make benchmark improvements four times per week, boosting their confidence in what their body is capable of achieving. Everyone in the program is motivated by seeing and feeling constant improvement. 

For more information about LoseSmart or to book your LoseSmart stay, click here.