How to Stop Dieting and Keep Your Sanity

You’ve tried diet after diet. You’re confused on what and how to eat. You’re sick of feeling like a failure.  But guess what! You didn’t fail. You are not a failure. The diets have failed you. It’s time for you to stop dieting. These low-carb,  low fat, ketogenic, no-sugar, detox, calorie-counting, point tracking, and intensive […]

Five ways to be more mindful

Recently, mindfulness has become a pervasive buzzword. You can find mindfulness used in schools, your job, in yoga and fitness classes, in coffee shops, restaurants, and even in your doctors office. We hear the word mindfulness but what does it mean, and more importantly, how do we become more mindful? Jon Kabat Zinn, Ph.D, who […]

Weight loss reimagined: how to feel better in your body

Are you one of the nearly one in two Americans who is actively trying to lose weight? Have you participated in food restricting, dieting or excessive exercise? If dieting has failed you, Skyterra Dietitian Lindsay Ford has a message for you: we believe in you. And we believe your story can be a story of hope.