Are you one of the nearly one in two Americans who is actively trying for weight loss? Have you participated in food restricting, dieting or excessive exercise?
If dieting and weight loss have failed you, Skyterra Registered Dietitian Lindsay Ford has a message for you: we believe in you. And we believe your story can be a story of hope.
Lindsay shares these tips for beginning to reset your relationship with food:
- Eat three meals per day
- Eat every four to six hours
- Supplement meals with one to two snacks per day
- S–L–O–W D–O–W–N when you’re eating
- Eat at a table, not standing in your kitchen
- Avoid your phone and TV while you’re eating
- Savor. Every. Bite.
Breaking the cycle of overeating and working toward a more stable relationship with food isn’t easy. We understand it can be hard to eat in today’s diet and weight-loss culture and we believe you should be able to feel comfortable in your body.
That’s why we offer Freedom With Food, Skyterra’s signature specialty weeks, staffed by an expert team of licensed therapists and registered dietitians like Lindsay, who specialize in disordered eating patterns to help you feel confident and like yourself again. No matter what lifestyle change you seek you’ll be well supported and never judged. Click here to find out more.