Six Ways to Always Be Kind

The world these days is different from what we’re all used to, but that doesn’t mean we should isolate from our community.  Finding ways to reach out to those in our communities is a powerful way to relieve the loneliness associated with isolation. Sharing ourselves, our means, and our kindness is a powerful tool and…

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Improve Your Focus in 15 Minutes

Connect to Body and Breath

Connect is Skyterra’s signature quick morning practice combining yoga, meditation, stretching and movement to connect with your body and breath. This yoga practice includes gentle stretching and breathing practice in a chair. Accessible for those who don’t want to get on the floor and great for those who want a moment to reset in their…

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Five ways to be more mindful

Recently, mindfulness has become a pervasive buzzword. You can find mindfulness used in schools, your job, in yoga and fitness classes, in coffee shops, restaurants, and even in your doctors office. We hear the word mindfulness but what does it mean, and more importantly, how do we become more mindful? Jon Kabat Zinn, Ph.D, who…

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Your Body on Breathwork

What is breathwork?

Breathwork is a daily practice here at the retreat, and for good reason: connecting with your breath is a powerful and easily accessible way to boost physical and mental health. So what is breathwork, why do we do it, and how can you get started at home?

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All About Fascia: Keeping Your Connective Tissue Healthy

Have you ever had pain or discomfort you couldn’t identify, or lingering tightness and tension that you just couldn’t shake? Have you ever wondered why techniques like foam rolling can “hurt so good,” or why a massage can trigger an intense emotional reaction? The answer lies in understanding fascia – the thin sheath of fibrous connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, bone, nerve, artery, and organ in the body.

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